
To All The Books I’ve Loved Before

A Bookish Blog
By: Musings of a Madwoman


Hello and welcome to my bookish Blog! I am excited to have you here. This is going to be a new adventure for me, as I normally don’t spend the time after reading to write reviews. However, I want to create a space that will not only hold my memories but to, hopefully, inspire YOU to read more! So I am turning over a new page -ha, pun intended- and setting out on a journey to bring you everything you want (and a little you probably don’t) to know about what I have read.

In this blog, I will also have a dedicated section for BOOK BOX SUBSCRIPTIONS! These will include hints, guesses, pictures, and UNBOXING!!! I hope this will bring you much entertainment and enjoyment.

*If there is a book or box you do not see listed, feel free to reach out with recommendations. I am always looking to expand my library.

“Once you have read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you.”

Louis L’Amour

Professional Reader